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Vulnerability Management
Solutions tailored to your business

Stay ahead of evolving cyber threats with powerful vulnerability scanning, consistently discovering new security weaknesses as they develop

Improve Risk Mitigation

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Meet Regulatory Compliance


Increase Security

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Proactively Identify Vulnerabilities


Help maintain your businesses day-to-day security posture with Delta's Vulnerability Management services. Our experts are able to set up reoccuring scans to your chosen frequency which will deliver multiple benefits including:


  • Detect and evaluate cyber security weaknesses.  

  • Gain continuous visibility into your organisation’s security state.  

  • Protect against attackers exploiting known software vulnerabilities. â€‹

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What is Vulnerability Management? 

Vulnerability Management includes automated scanning of internal and external assets, commonly referred to as VA scans.


VA Scans are ongoing and regular scans of your infrastructure, checking for known vulnerabilties which can quickly be addressed by utilsing clear and informative reporting. Empowering you to monitor and maintain strong posture, and minimise potential weaknesses across your devices and systems. ​

Why is Vulnerability Management important? 

The growing digitalisation of operations and evolving threats present ongoing security challenges which Vulnerability Management can address by continuously monitoring and mitigating potential risks. 

  • Guard against the most common exploits being used by hackers.  

  • Identify vulnerable assets and optimise your security budget allocation. 

  • Fulfil compliance obligations (such as Cyber Essentials Plus, ISO27001, PCI DSS, SOC2). 

  • Reduces your opertional resource overheads, giving you time to focus on other business priorities.

How is Vulnerability Management conducted? 

Delta Cyber Security deploy industry leading vulnerability scanners to your preferred schedule which rapidly detect new weaknesses. 

  • Vulnerabilities are analysed and prioritised based on business risk.

  • All fixes are validated in future scans. 

  • Comprehensive reporting records are supplied. 

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How is Vulnerability Management conducted?



​We  work with you to define the boundary of scope



Delta coordinate and deploy scans based on your desired cadence



Reporting is generated specialist engineers, highlighting any potential vulnerabilities


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Our engineers are able to offer recommendations on additional security services

Automated web applications scanning

Why Delta? 

Work to the the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) such as Cyber Scheme Team Member (CSTM) standard

Delta Vulnerability Management services are provided in accordance with recognised industry standards, including those certified by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) such as Cyber Scheme Team Member (CSTM). 


Where appropriate we will also leverage security recommendations provided by various recognised sources, such as the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), PCI Security Standards Council and application or device manufacturers.  


Our technical experts have conducted a variety of roles within the MoD, including both defensive and offensive cyber operations and operated in consultancy roles for a range of security specialist organisations. By blending our real-world experience with recognised industry standards, we are well placed to furnish our clients with trusted guidance in enhancing the security posture of their systems, devices and applications. 

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