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Privacy Policy

Delta Cyber Security Ltd | Version 1.1 | Updated 1st November 2023 

At Delta Cyber Security, safeguarding your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to preserving the confidentiality of the personal data we collect. The objective of this Privacy Policy is to provide you with insights into the information gathering practices at Delta Cyber Security, including what type of data is collected from you, how and when it is collected, and how it is handled.  

Where used within this Privacy Notice, the terms "us" and "we" pertain to Delta Cyber Security Limited. According to relevant laws, Delta Cyber Security serves as the data controller for personal data collected during the provision of our Service. 

“Personal information” as referred to within this policy, encompasses any identifiable data that can directly or indirectly identify you, such as your name, physical address, email address, telephone number, bank details, or online identifiers.  

Changes to this policy 

We retain the right to revise or amend this Privacy Policy at our discretion, with or without prior notice, at any time and as necessary. We recommend reviewing this policy periodically, particularly before sharing any information. The last update to this Privacy Policy is reflected in the date above. Your continued use of the Services following any modifications or revisions to this Privacy Policy indicates your acceptance of the terms outlined in the updated Privacy Policy. 

Types of data we collect  

When you engage with our website, hereinafter referred to as “website" we may collect various forms of information from you, detailed as follows: 

  • Automatically Collected Data 

As you interact with our Services and/or Products, we may automatically receive and retain specific information, including but not limited to your IP address, device ID, and your activities within the Services and/or Products. Such data may be stored by us or incorporated into databases maintained by our service providers. This information may be utilised, either by us or in combination with other data, to monitor various aspects, such as the overall visitor count on our website, the volume of user messages sent, and the websites that refer visitors to our platform.  

  • Information You Voluntarily Provide 

We gather data when you willingly provide it to us. This information encompasses your full name and email address, and any relevant details which you provide via the forms on our website which facilitate you contacting us or obtaining a quotation.  

  • Aggregated Data 

To enhance our understanding of the users of our Services, we may analyse information including customer demographics, interests and behaviors based on the data we collect. This research may be aggregated and anonymised and we may share this summarised information with our affiliated entities and business partners. Furthermore, we may disclose aggregated user statistics for lawful purposes, including illustrating our services to current and potential business partners and other third parties. 

Web cookies 

Web cookies are small data files that websites and online services can place on your browser or device, which can be accessed during your future visits. We may utilise cookies to enhance our ability to monitor and gain insights into our user base and/or explore the possibility of using cookies to store additional data. 

To gather analytics regarding your usage of the website, we employ the following third-party products and tools: 

Where your personal information resides  

Delta Cyber Security Ltd operates from the United Kingdom. Your data is exclusively processed within the United Kingdom and is not transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless specifically requested by you. 

Why we gather your personal information 

We collect and employ your personal data for specific reasons, as it is essential to acquire certain details, including personal information, to deliver our Services and/or Products when requested. Additionally, it aligns with our legitimate interests as we conduct our business operations, encompassing the following aspects: 

  • Fulfilling contractual commitments  

A substantial portion of our personal data processing is aimed at meeting our contractual obligations to our users or undertaking actions at the request of users in anticipation of forming a contractual relationship. 

  • Legitimate interests 

In numerous instances, we manage personal data based on our legitimate interests, provided these interests do not supersede the rights and freedoms of individuals.  

This encompasses: 

  • Conducting marketing activities, such as sending informative emails about our Services and/or Products  

  • Delivering customer service, including responding to enquiries  

  • Analysing and enhancing business operations, such as utilising to improve Services and/or Products 

  • Managing legal matters 

  • Handling recruitment processes such as employment applications 


There are specific circumstances where we must employ and disclose personal data to adhere to our legal obligations. 

  • Consent 

In cases where legal requirements mandate, and in certain other scenarios, we process personal data based on your implicit or explicit consent.  

How we utilise your personal information  

We handle the information you provide in accordance with the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy. When you provide information for a specific purpose, we employ it in alignment with that purpose. 

For example, if you reach out to us via email, the information you provide is used to respond to your enquiry. In cases where you provide information to access our Services and/or Products, we use that data to grant you access to the said services and to monitor usage. Furthermore, we may employ the information collected through our Services and/or Products to enhance the content and functionality of our offering and to gain a deeper understanding of our user base. 

We may also use this information to contact you in the future, informing you about services we believe may be of interest. In such instances, marketing communications will include instructions on how to "opt-out" of receiving future marketing messages. Additionally, if you ever wish to discontinue receiving marketing communications or want your information removed from our marketing lists, you can reach out to us, and we will accommodate your request. 

Sharing of your information 

At Delta Cyber Security Ltd, we are not engaged in the practice of selling your information and regard this information as a fundamental aspect of our business relationship. There may be certain situations in which we may disclose your information to specific third parties, such as those detailed below: 

  • Business sale or transfers 

In such instances, should a corporate sale, merger, or similar transaction occur, your information may be included as part of the transferred assets. 

  • Legal obligations 

We may divulge your information when required by law or when we genuinely believe that such action is necessary to: 

  • Ensure the personal safety of Services users or the general public.  

  • Defend against legal liability.  

  • Comply with a legal mandate. 

  • Safeguard and uphold the rights or property of Delta Cyber Security Ltd. 


  • Non-identifiable data 

For business purposes, we may also share non-personally identifiable information with our partners or other parties. 

Retention of Personal Information 

Typically, we retain personal data for as long as it remains relevant to the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was initially collected, including compliance with legal or other reporting obligations. To manage personal data disposal, we may choose to anonymise it, delete it, or take other appropriate measures.  

Links to third-party websites 

This Privacy Policy exclusively pertains to the Website. The Website might include links to other websites that are not under our operation or control, referred to as "third-party websites". The policies and procedures outlined here do not extend to third-party websites. The inclusion of links within the Services and/or Products does not indicate our endorsement of or review of the content on third-party websites.  

Security and privacy measures 

We employ reasonable precautions to safeguard the information submitted through our Services and/or Products, aiming to prevent loss, misuse, and any unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Nevertheless, it's important to recognise that complete security is not guaranteed for internet or email transmissions. Specifically, email communication to or from our Services may not be entirely secure. Therefore, we advise you to exercise caution when determining the information you choose to transmit to us via email or over the internet. 

Your rights 

We provide the following options to manage your data: 

User have the ability to unsubscribe from specific emails by selecting the relevant "unsubscribe" link enclosed, which will remove their details from the associated marketing list. 

Users possess legal rights to: 

  • Confirm whether we hold personal data. 

  • Access the personal data we have on record, including in certain cases, in a portable format. 

  • Request corrections, updates, amendments, or deletions of personal data when appropriate. 

  • Object to our utilisation or disclosure of personal data. 

  • Request limitations on the processing of data or withdraw any consent, provided there isn't another lawful basis for us to continue processing such information. 

To obtain a copy of your personal data held by us, please reach out to us, we are prepared to assist you in updating or deleting your personal information. You may also contact us through written correspondence sent to our registered address. 

Furthermore, you possess the right to opt out of all our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, and you may also utilise the "unsubscribe" link in any of our marketing communications. It's important to note that the rights and options outlined above are subject to limitations and exceptions as dictated by applicable laws. Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), which serves as the UK authority responsible for data protection. 

Contacting us 

If you have any queries concerning this Privacy Notice or if you wish to reach out to us to exercise your rights as detailed within this policy, please feel free to contact us for assistance.  

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